„Visual Communication”

The fourth conference in our “Culture and Information Technology” series, which we again hosted this year at the most inspiring location imaginable, was dedicated to the changing use, perception and impact of images with the theme “Visual Communication”.

The conference was held within the framework of the Information Society Foundation Berlin of the Alcatel-Lucent Foundation for Communication Research. It was hosted by the INKA research group at the Berlin University of Applied Sciences in cooperation with the Berlinische Galerie.

The aim of the event was to analyze the development of digital art and culture and to try to analyze and predict development trends. Various milestones of modern image and video technology were discussed and their economic, social and scientific potential was examined in more detail.

Among the topics discussed were the history and impact of pictorial reasoning, the crossing of boundaries between reality and imagination, and the recording of psychological phenomena by means of new procedures in information technology. Special aspects of visual communication in the different journalistic media as well as the handling of original and copy in pictorial information goods were discussed.

The handling of the image in the information society is subject to considerable change. To describe these phenomena, to examine the effects and to face the new challenges was the content and concern of our event.

Download: Programme KuI 2007