„Hybrid Systems”
The 16th edition of the ”Culture and Computer Science“ conference series brings into focus best practice examples, challenges and future trends in the fields of hybrid systems, augmented, mixed and virtual reality, 3D technology, data collection and management, media integration, modelling, visualisation and interaction. The conference targets cultural policy makers, employees of cultural and creative industries, communication scientists, cultural and artistic actors as well as computer scientists and engineers, who conduct research and development on cultural topics.
The presentations will discuss the following key topics:
- Hybrid systems
- Augmented, Mixed and Virtual Reality
- Best practice Augmented, Mixed or Virtual Reality applications
- Analogue and digital exhibition design
- Collections – Exploitation, design, exhibition and conveyance
- Crowd Sourcing technology and applications
- Influence of art and culture on future developments
- Intuitive usage of media systems
- Interdependence between culture and computer science
- Ethics in culture and computer science
- These items shall primarily be analysed, demonstrated and discussed through best practice examples for cultural and creative industries.
Further key aspects of the Conference:
- Technologies for hybrid systems
- Augmented Reality, Mixed Reality and Virtual Reality technologies
- 3D technologies
- Digitalisation in the cultural and creative industries
- Visualisation and interaction technologies
- Interactive multimedia solutions for museums, theatres, concert halls, exhibitions etc.
- Digital exhibitions, science centres, museums and galleries
- Virtual reconstructions
- Location-based and context-sensitive services in a cultural context
- Documentation, visualisation and interaction in museums and archives
- Digital storytelling
- Multimedia guides with Augmented Reality components
- Ethical issues concerning the use of virtual and augmented reality
Download: Programme KuI 2018
Conference Proceedings: vwhVerlag