„Serious Games”

Playful access to information systems, challenges and perspectives in the use of computer games in cultural contexts, and game-based learning strategies were the focus of the seventh event in the “Culture and Informatics” series. Research results and development approaches on the topics of serious games, user interfaces of museum and city information systems, medial exhibition concepts, museum portals and game-based approaches to online learning were discussed. The conference was aimed at cultural and art stakeholders, staff of cultural institutions, communication and media scientists on the one hand, and computer scientists and technicians working on cultural topics on the other hand.

The central issues of the conference were especially the media-appropriate, game-based preparation of information as well as the intuitive use of multimedia applications. These central questions were demonstrated and discussed, for example, on multimedia solutions for museums and tourism information systems or on new game-based learning scenarios and solutions for informal knowledge access from the perspective of cultural media providers.

The conference was held within the framework of the Information Society Foundation Berlin (SVKB) of the Alcatel-Lucent Foundation for Communication Research. It was hosted by the INKA research group at the Berlin University of Applied Sciences in cooperation with the Berlinische Galerie.

Download: Programme KuI 2009